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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Different Foot Pains and Experiences

There are number of foot problems that are categorized or found in/with the people experiences. In March 2012, took a little survey to find the common foot problem with respect to ages. The study shows that nearly 80% of people ages 21 have had experienced "foot pain" at least once. Moreover, there are about 59% of people who have experienced foot pain and had gone to specialists to address it.

It shows, women appear to suffer more foot illness than men and are considerably more likely than men suffering from Swelling, Plantar Fasciitis, Calluses, Foot Fatigue, Cracked Skin, Ingrown toenails, Blisters and Corns.

Here are some latest statistics of common foot problems found in Men and Women (below). However considerably there is less percentage of people facing foot problem (and getting good) in 2012, than in 2009!

latest statistics of common foot problems

1) Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is common. It is an inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot.

Plantar fasciitis causes pain under the heel that goes in time. It is commonly found in people of 40-60 years. The graph of this problem risen 2% from 2009 – it has now affected 9% of people.

2) Heel Spurs
Heel Spurs People open confuse the terms “heel supurs” and “plantar fasciitis” - these two diagnoses are related, but are not same. In Plantar fasciitis, the tissue forms the arch of the foot. While, heel spur is a hook of bone that can form on the heel bone and is associated with plantar fasciitis

Heel spur was found in 5% of people in 2009 that is down to 4% in USA!

3) Bunions
A bunion is unnatural condition, it happens when your big toe point towards the second toe. It causes a bump on the outside edge of toe. Bunions are more likely to run in families and the bone could become the sign of relation identification.

Bunions are more common in women than man. The graph of Bunions of 2012 and 2009 shows -1% decline where 6% of people faced bunion in 2009.

4) Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis can be supposed as injury, caused by overuse to the muscle and usually occurs in middle aged athletic people. In 2012, only 3% of people are victim of this problem that is decreased from 4%, 2009.

 5) Arch Pain
Arch Pain
Arch pain also referred as arch strain. It is commonly found in people with a typical flat feet structure problem

According to the survey, 15% of people faced Arch pain that is down to 12% in 2012 as a decline of -3%

6) Calluses
Calluses are mostly found inside of the big toe and on the balls-of-the-foot. Calluses can be especially painful to pressure. Women report this suffering more than man and 54% of adults were currently experiencing Calluses, Foot Fatigue, Cracked Skin, swelling and general Foot Pain. However, researchers found -4% decreases in this condition as compared to 2009 research. 

OK. I hope you enjoyed the above facts with me. Please let me know, if you have ever experienced foot pain - please reply with your age :) 

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