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Monday, 3 December 2012

Cash for Calories

New research
If you are having trouble sticking to your weight loss plan. How’s money for motivation? Foot Solutions at Chesapeake, offering a program called "Cash for Calories". We set a program that to find out of the short lived program that can really help you in the long run.

Well guys, when you hear about the promotion like cash for calories you probably wonder, what’s the cash? Well, I did some digging and found out, that depends on you!

Terry Erwin walks with purpose. So far, I have lost 10 pounds. Her ultimate goal is 80 but for the next 3 months, her mission is money. It is cash for calories and for every pound that somebody loses we would give them a store credit for five dollars. Foot Solutions in Chesapeake, is making the offer to the customers or in 

Terry’s case employees, who purchase walking poles or toning shoes. Right now, I am wearing the MBTs, which help burn 4 times more calories than any other shoe out there. How can shoe burn calories? We will get back to that in a minute. First, we want to know if a 3 month program can lead to lasting change. We asked an expert at Chesapeake regional life style center, I think, it depend on the individual. Beth Reitz, is used to set a programs for 20 years! There are sometimes have to dangle back here in front of them to get them to say, yeah! I am ready to lose weight. Some take the price then fall right of the treadmill. Other people, it really helps to jump start them and keep them going. Terry’s backing on the fact that seeing her slimmer self or keep her motivated.

Now, as for the shoes helping, we were skeptical. You know, I thought so too. Until we run into this woman in the lifestyle center. Suzy was wearing the same shoes. It straightens your shin and your thighs, it straightens your hips, and it straightens your back because you are walking properly. So, whether it’s shoes, money, or something else! Beth Reitz says, "Go for whatever motivates you!" In the end, all you have to lose is the weight. Beth Reitz also said, "Money does seem to be biggest motivator and you can do that at home." Just put a dollar or a maybe a five in a jar - every time you lose a pound then when you will reach your goal - you will have enough to buy all the new clothes you need.

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