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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

How Foot Solutions Staff Deal / Help the Customers

This is a video transcription of:

Staff Person: Good Morning! Welcome to Foot Solutions what brings you in today? Client: Hi! I am having some heel pain in my right foot that seems to be worse in the morning when I get up.

SP: OK! Why don’t you have a seat and fill out the left hand side of our Intake Sheet - I will be better able to help you.

C: OK!

What we do at Foot Solutions, we begin by collecting information about each individual client. On the Intake Sheet, we get in the clients own words what they feel their own foot problems might be and then we measure the feet properly, evaluate their feet and their gate and then make recommendations as to foot wear and other things that might be needed.

Now, we are gonna do is begin by measuring your feet. Let me take the chart and the pen, thank you!

Alright! Now let me start with the right foot. Put on your foot and stand up please. You have half size difference in your feet, that’s quite common - your left foot is half size longer than the right.

OK! The next step is to test the flexibility of your feet. Let me do it to your right foot first. Now relax your foot, OK! Now, give me the left one. I would like to do is to observe how you stand and walk. So if you can stand right over here, don’t mind our public relation girl, Croeli. Now, just face the back wall, stand up as you normally would.

Now walk slowly towards the back wall then turn around and come back in this direction. All right, you have what we called Micronation. Statistically more than 90% of old people walk in the planet over coronet. What that’s simply means is that your feet are flat now as you stand and walk. Maybe 5% of the population supernate through the feet are very rigid and high arches and they were laughed. And maybe around 1% world population might have the ideal gate but that’s quite unusual.

I like to do next is to get you up on this computer over here. This device measures the pressure for weight bearing on to your feet. And if you stand for one second I will put in the measurement here this will take about 20 seconds and its gonna measure the pressure on your feet. Here’s the scale of pressure, it is now take a look over here. You see a dark red underneath the heel that’s quite normal, what isn’t normal is pressure like that forward to the heel because it’s both unusual and undesirable. It’s not a pain meter so it doesn’t tell you where much is the pain but if you are gonna do something for the person whether is arch support you wanna through in something we called Metatarsal Support.

Through help with that condition with the forefoot, let me show you what I mean my taking the skeletal foot over here to off load the pressure on the ball of your foot. We like to create an arch support that has Metatarsal Support and what that is a bump that will go right where my thumb is and will gently press up and spread the pressure out over the greater area. There by making it more comfortable, with the heel pain you said that you have being mostly in the morning when you first get up that could be a condition called Plantar Fasciitis.

I am not a doctor so I cannot and would not diagnose but I can treat for a doctor, give you a prescription for anything and I can also accommodate you while you are here by either sending you to the counter arch support or creating a custom made arch support. Now let me take you to the yellow computer and Enter your information in there and then what we are gonna do is gonna scan you on this device over here. Remember the first computer we did it measure full weight bearing pressure and this computer over here measures the elevations under the feet so it captures the photography of the bottom of the foot and so accurate. It measures in the 10mm (millimeter) that’s like the width of the human hair, now you look on the screen the pressure readings from this device are converted into a colorful typographical that you see here on the screen this is a elevation legend and you can see the red is flat down on the scanner light green is only 1/10 mm (millimeter) higher and goes up from there. This image here is 3D image what a custom made arch support would look like for my flat foot.

We make truly custom made arch supports not what some store might prefer to us custom fit. There is a huge difference between custom made and custom fit everything we do here is custom fit what others do is simply take two plastic arch supports that are mirror images of one other and say here you go they are fit to your feet but its forcing your foot to conformed to something that’s hypothetical. This is taking your own foot or my own foot for instance and making it conformed to its natural arch without much weight on it. The computer places it based on the elevations and contours of your foot not somebody else’s foot not some imaginary foot. The finished part looks something like this. These are actually the same type of device with different coverings we can use a lot of different coverings and give you a lot of alternatives that’s has a new material called Spenco, which is a medical care material has a lot of cushioning and this is leather that’s the most common covering that we use because it’s more important to have the right contour underneath your foot that is really cushioning. If your pain is really acute then we recommend the cushioning and the finish product is that it looks like about one of these but one will be specific to your feet. I hope that give you a better understanding about what it is that we do here on Foot Solutions.

We are here to give you a professional measurement to your feet evaluate, your feet and the way in which you walk which posture or gate and then make firm recommendations relative to shoes, arch supports and other foot care products that can help medicate any foot pain or other joint problems that you might have. And when you come in you can meet our public relations director her name is Croeli.

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