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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Dangers of Wearing High Heels

Hi, I am Katie I came in here to Foot Solutions today because like mostly woman out there will probably wear stilettos 4, 5 days a week, I do the same thing. I have been told here by Dawson to cut back up a little bit but just can’t or so cute, but they are giving me a little bit of pain in the ballof my foot and then also towards the end of the day I noticed that my lower back starts to hurt little bit.

Dawson just how bad are stilettos for my feet - what exactly am I doing here to myself?
Well, first thing is to actually got a real tarsus to put largely in to front of your leg position that’s been placed on constant basis, so when you are walking, you are actually standing on your toes. As you take every step it begins to turn like this so you are talking about, that’s look familiar right there, so this is what you are doing - with every step and even when you are sitting down your foot is still in Solvating position naturally! Foot should be like this when you have 3 points contact from your feet and then tarsi so you should be walking like this on metatarsal. So what you are telling me that I am putting most of the pressure on my toes but mainly, this one here, to be exact.

OK! So is that where is the medial cuneiform comes from?

Well, it can! If your foot is walking to a certain motion is gonna go down to that and is going to adjust in any way possible to accommodate that motion and so if you turn in so your toe is going to turn in.

OK! Let’s say I do still want to wear stilettos, I will cut down it to three days a week I promise but no less what can I do at work to help relieve the pain a little bit?

Wear a good controlling shoe and while you are in that controlling shoe. It will be possible to control the arch because you know where this will go. It will fall in like that so Middle Phalange and not the foot beyond this is mostly the dept and then we understand, you still want to be fashion ate. So you can wear it as long as this temporary motion insists of consistence.

There you have it! Dawson from Foot Solutions bringing you better help for your feet!

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