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Monday, 26 November 2012

Balance Walking for Exercise and Prevention

Introducing Pink pole balance walking

Your first step in taking in a stand against breast cancer with every step you take… 
Well welcome, welcome and welcome to our informational webinar on Balance walking…

Balance walking is all about Health, Wellness, Fitness and most importantly prevention.

The question always comes up, what is balance walking?

Answer: Balance walking is a form of exercise. It focuses on total body exercise approximately 90% of your muscles are used. It’s great for posture, it’s great for decreasing pressure on your joints, it’s a great calorie burner and enhances toning, and focuses on upper body, cardio workout, weight control and more… And by the way, it is also with the terrific prehab and rehab for breast cancer survivors.

Secondly, balance walking is fun and easy, anyone can do it! Regardless of your age, regardless of your size whether you are an athlete or not athlete, it is for everyone. Walking is the most basic life activity, in fact in United States alone there are about 130 Million walkers and less than 30 Million runners it is the easiest thing you can do, what makes you even more enjoyable is that it’s also social activity. You can chat, walk, talk and enjoy not only exercising but chatting with spouses and significant others, friends and neighbors. It is a great way to talk, walk and exercise!

The big idea is, the balance walking only acquires 15 minutes a day of your time and the time for a world 15 minutes a day to exercise and by the way 15 minutes balance walking equates to approximately 30 minutes of vigorous physical exercise so its time efficient.

The question always comes up, what is the importance of exercise?

Answer: Well here are3 two challenges:

1: The first challenge - breast surgery frequently resolves in decrease strength and range of motion of your affected shoulder and arms.

2: Second Challenge - About 25 to 30 % of woman treated for breast cancer develop lymphedema. Doctors do not fully understand why some patients are more likely to have problems with lymphedema with in others.

Here is what interesting, extending and working your arms through balance walking is not only great exercise but also, it improves your range of motion. Obviously important to individuals get there breast cancer surgery so we have challenges but here’s a benefit: the benefit is exercise training is emerging as a complimentary treatment for breast cancer and other medical challenges.

Recent research suggests that exercise is feasible and can help manage negative psychological side effects associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment. It helps build a positive attitude which is so much important for treatment. So, if you look at balance walking as a three legged school.

Leg example no. 1 - is the health benefits, health, exercise, wellness, range of motion, pressure of joints etc.

The first leg is out. The second is we call community outreach benefits that’s the socialization, that’s the ability of can turn to walking an exercising focusing on prevention. It’s also a way of sit and talk about sick but if walk and talk with friends and neighbors and catch up on days activity and share.

The third leg of the school is what we call fund raising benefits. This is directly related to your mission envision. You folks are fighting the battle everyday on a few noble causes, we have made 5 (five) dollars available for every balance walking set of poles that are purchased in direct attachment relationship to you and your organization.

Once again this is a way that, whether is a webinar whether is webcast whether is newsletter direct mail or email blast eventually its participated here is the way - you can not only distribute a great exercise platform and activity but also makes some money for your organization to learn more about that go to . So, in conclusion it’s really a wonderful thing to be able to blend a great innovative fitness product design for health, wellness and exercise that’s easy and for every one and only takes fifteen minutes a day to and blend that with enterprise. We at Balanced Walking, a thrill that we have been able to blend, this very noble very important exercise regimen with full recipe and ways to help you raise money.

Call any for our team at any time. Where are committed to you committed to the fighting of the breast cancer and committed to serving. Call us and visit Thank you very much!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Our Feet are Always There for Us!

Our feet are always there for us.
They walk our first steps.
They attend our biggest adventures.
They carry us around the world.
They are happy about the summer.
They bring us closers to our goals.
They bring us success.
Therefore, our feet are only worthy of the best!!
Eases the joints, trains and shapes the muscles.
Ensures a sustainable better posture to the spine, because health starts with your feet!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Dangers of Wearing High Heels

Hi, I am Katie I came in here to Foot Solutions today because like mostly woman out there will probably wear stilettos 4, 5 days a week, I do the same thing. I have been told here by Dawson to cut back up a little bit but just can’t or so cute, but they are giving me a little bit of pain in the ballof my foot and then also towards the end of the day I noticed that my lower back starts to hurt little bit.

Dawson just how bad are stilettos for my feet - what exactly am I doing here to myself?
Well, first thing is to actually got a real tarsus to put largely in to front of your leg position that’s been placed on constant basis, so when you are walking, you are actually standing on your toes. As you take every step it begins to turn like this so you are talking about, that’s look familiar right there, so this is what you are doing - with every step and even when you are sitting down your foot is still in Solvating position naturally! Foot should be like this when you have 3 points contact from your feet and then tarsi so you should be walking like this on metatarsal. So what you are telling me that I am putting most of the pressure on my toes but mainly, this one here, to be exact.

OK! So is that where is the medial cuneiform comes from?

Well, it can! If your foot is walking to a certain motion is gonna go down to that and is going to adjust in any way possible to accommodate that motion and so if you turn in so your toe is going to turn in.

OK! Let’s say I do still want to wear stilettos, I will cut down it to three days a week I promise but no less what can I do at work to help relieve the pain a little bit?

Wear a good controlling shoe and while you are in that controlling shoe. It will be possible to control the arch because you know where this will go. It will fall in like that so Middle Phalange and not the foot beyond this is mostly the dept and then we understand, you still want to be fashion ate. So you can wear it as long as this temporary motion insists of consistence.

There you have it! Dawson from Foot Solutions bringing you better help for your feet!

Monday, 12 November 2012

A Bio-Engineered Ergonomic Solution

85% of the population need our products and lessen only 1% of our population currently is getting our product intervention. These kinds of problems that effect patients, workers and consumers worldwide can now have a new solution for the first time we can now start producing footwear that will actually change your health and improve your ability to stand for long appearance of time or reduce workers complains, prevent injuries, isolate or ergonomic and biomechanical problems.

The advantage we have with ergonomic footwear is we can change the life by improving the ergonomic stability of the foot interaction with the ground and the ability to foot control the body weight, motion and stress level as we walk and stand a performer work activity. We have now the tools as result of computer technology, we can now scan efficiently make ergonomic solutions available to them and will substantially improve the health and wellness of consumers worldwide.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Metatarsalgia Treatment – Balls of Foot Pain

"Metatarsalgia" is basically the discomfort experience and the forefoot which is spaces in balls of foot. I mean the facts of course the metatarsalgia heads - most which are the bones of course at make ends of the metatarsalgial bones. Metatarsalgia heads are basically the bones that make up ball the foot. And the most common of course area of pain would be the first metatarsalgial as well as second metatarsalgial heads. The joint of course is right behind the big toe. You can also be experience the others but the most common area of pain would be the big toe joint as well as second metatarsalgial head. Assuming here little bit, the solutions that we can offer for this type of discomfort. So, as I said, the pain is of course is most common experience in first and second metatarsalgial head and the metatarsalgias all over the ball foot where we would experience pain in some parts of foots, that’s of course we are trying to find solutions for you. I mean, when you experience of course pain in forefoot first thing you do is, get off the feet make sure you get proper amount of rest. If you do lot of activities, you play lot of sports in of course you want to probably maybe go from running to pool running or of course exciting, for example just make sure that this area right here has chance to of course recuperate from the excessive load has been placed on it.

At the same time, of course may want icy areas as well just to have reduce information and that will help reduce pain overtime also. However, make sure that you don’t rise more than 20 minutes of the time, to make sure that you are not burning skin. Now the other things of course first thing we usually recommend from metatarsalgia depending of course on where the location is, if you have pain on the big toe or of course second metatarsalgial head. There is metatarsalgia pads like these that usually of course can help offload pressure on stream metatarsalgial heads. These pads would be placed behind the balls foot in about this area and the idea here is of course to help off weight on the second, third and forth metatarsalgial head, as well as of course, if you position slightly differently you can lower the pressure of the first and second metatarsalgia head more substantially. Less pressure being off loaded on fourth and fifth!

If you want to low the pressure, take the pressure off the entire forefoot. Its options like metatarsalgial pads, these areas are little bit wider and the apex which is the highest point of course can spends accross and this can be place in this area to help of course off weight on all metatarsalgial heads that’s another option which is available. If you have lack of padding under the feet, that if the bones can almost pokes through the skin, you don’t have lot of cushioning left under the metatarsalgial bones, there is a metatarsalgial pads, padding of course metatarsalgial cushion, that can be added to the foot usually place in-between third and second toe that helps to restore some of that padding then has been lose through aging more on others to generated diseases. For dress shoes we have similar devices like these Joe pads here that can be added to a dress shoe. Also make sure that you footwear, it is quiet wide in front so you don’t want to have something that is too tight in the front will cause stress on the metatarsalgials. If you look for something that has broad toe box and lots of space free toes to move or waggle them around easily.

If you can get footwear, actually slopes upward slightly. This is also a perfect way to reduce pressure on the forefoot it is often metatarsalgial heads for that matter. Last but not least, the option is arch support, which you can add to your shoes, they will help offload some of the weight of the foot on to the arch area and help to reduce of course problems such as pronation I mean, crack the biomechanical expects of the foot and these things would be added to your shoes, support foot leather and reduce of course for in rotation of the foot which can also cause in excessive pressure on the of course plantar aspect of the big toe joint. If you continue to have new problems, please do see your physician to make sure there is not another underline problem that has not been correctly diagnosed.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Different Foot Pains and Experiences

There are number of foot problems that are categorized or found in/with the people experiences. In March 2012, took a little survey to find the common foot problem with respect to ages. The study shows that nearly 80% of people ages 21 have had experienced "foot pain" at least once. Moreover, there are about 59% of people who have experienced foot pain and had gone to specialists to address it.

It shows, women appear to suffer more foot illness than men and are considerably more likely than men suffering from Swelling, Plantar Fasciitis, Calluses, Foot Fatigue, Cracked Skin, Ingrown toenails, Blisters and Corns.

Here are some latest statistics of common foot problems found in Men and Women (below). However considerably there is less percentage of people facing foot problem (and getting good) in 2012, than in 2009!

latest statistics of common foot problems

1) Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is common. It is an inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot.

Plantar fasciitis causes pain under the heel that goes in time. It is commonly found in people of 40-60 years. The graph of this problem risen 2% from 2009 – it has now affected 9% of people.

2) Heel Spurs
Heel Spurs People open confuse the terms “heel supurs” and “plantar fasciitis” - these two diagnoses are related, but are not same. In Plantar fasciitis, the tissue forms the arch of the foot. While, heel spur is a hook of bone that can form on the heel bone and is associated with plantar fasciitis

Heel spur was found in 5% of people in 2009 that is down to 4% in USA!

3) Bunions
A bunion is unnatural condition, it happens when your big toe point towards the second toe. It causes a bump on the outside edge of toe. Bunions are more likely to run in families and the bone could become the sign of relation identification.

Bunions are more common in women than man. The graph of Bunions of 2012 and 2009 shows -1% decline where 6% of people faced bunion in 2009.

4) Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis can be supposed as injury, caused by overuse to the muscle and usually occurs in middle aged athletic people. In 2012, only 3% of people are victim of this problem that is decreased from 4%, 2009.

 5) Arch Pain
Arch Pain
Arch pain also referred as arch strain. It is commonly found in people with a typical flat feet structure problem

According to the survey, 15% of people faced Arch pain that is down to 12% in 2012 as a decline of -3%

6) Calluses
Calluses are mostly found inside of the big toe and on the balls-of-the-foot. Calluses can be especially painful to pressure. Women report this suffering more than man and 54% of adults were currently experiencing Calluses, Foot Fatigue, Cracked Skin, swelling and general Foot Pain. However, researchers found -4% decreases in this condition as compared to 2009 research. 

OK. I hope you enjoyed the above facts with me. Please let me know, if you have ever experienced foot pain - please reply with your age :) 

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